MV Quick Tip: Boost Romance Using This One Approach advice: dating advice: relationship quick tips

Are you wondering how to boost romance in a relationship or spark a new romance? Then you’ll love today’s MarsVenus quick tip!

In love, little things make a big difference. In the day-to-day of your relationship(s), it can feel overwhelming to address all the problems or create all...

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6 Steps to Stop an Argument advice: relationship john gray

The scenario: What starts as a simple disagreement escalates into a huge fight. Doors are slammed, harsh words are spoken, and you think: What did I ever see in them?

Once the anger subsides, however, and you see it in the light of day, you can’t help but wonder how the...

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Feeling Needy In Your Relationship? Your Problem Might Be the Solution. advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

“The Cool Girl” doesn’t get needy in a relationship.

But where does that leave us?!

He pulls away and, suddenly, it doesn’t matter that you’re a total badass and completely self-sufficient in the workplace... you turn into a “Please don’t leave...

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The 4 Steps of Building Trust in a Relationship advice: relationship john gray

If you find that building trust in a relationship is hard for you, you’re not alone.

Trust issues are the biggest challenge for women in relationships today — especially because men can seem so inconsistent with their love and attention!

But the number one thing that will make a man...

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Losing Yourself in a Relationship advice: relationship lauren gray

Do you find yourself losing yourself in a relationship? Sacrificing your needs and who you are to please your partner?

Are you growing steadily less confident and more frustrated in your relationship… and you just can’t help yourself?

It’s so easy to do this. Like SO easy. And...

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The 10 Most Romantic Things to Say to Someone You Love advice: relationship john gray lauren gray

“I love you” is one of the most romantic things to say to someone you love. But the truth is, and we’re sure you’ve heard this before, love isn’t just a word, it’s an action. It’s what we do.

Here’s the thing: Communication can “show”...

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Resentment In Relationships? Clear It Away With This Secret! advice: relationship lauren gray

Resentment in relationships: it’s not just for unhappy couples that are bitter and unsuited for each other.

It’s fair game for ALL of us at times. Givers, Lovers, Nurturers, Heroes — where you at?

You know the feeling you get when you’re giving so much to your relationship...

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Why Men Donโ€™t Give Reassurance (and How to Get Some in 3 Easy Steps!) advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

Can we agree on this? After a fight, it’s nice to get a little reassurance that “we’re going to be okay.” After an emotionally revealing conversation, it’s good to be reminded that he loves you no matter what. When he’s acting withdrawn for some weird reason,...

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3 Keys to Work-Life Balance for a Happy Marriage advice: relationship john gray

If you’re wondering how to be a good husband and find work-life balance so you can stay productive in your career and have a great relationship, this article is for you.

The fact is that life can be stressful when you’re juggling work, family, and time for yourself too. So how can you...

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What to Do When She Asks You to Talk About Your Feelings advice: relationship lauren gray

Everything is fine until she drops the line: “I need you to open up and tell me how you feel.”

Noooooo!!! Everything crawls into slow motion as you realize what she’s asked of you. You do a lingering blink hoping to get saved by the bell or text or natural disaster.

But there...

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How to Take Narcissism Out of Your Relationship advice: dating advice: relationship john gray

Be honest: Is there a pattern in your relationships?

Do you notice that your partner tends to be more selfish while you are more giving?

Maybe you even relate to being an empath who attracts narcissists?

The truth is this kind of merry-go-round of unfulfilling relationships can make you lose...

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Get a Man to Open up and Connect in 4 Simple Steps advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

When he doesn’t open up and share, it feels like you’re trying to create intimacy with a brick wall.

It feels like you’re in a one-sided relationship.

Why is he so repressed?!!!

Whether you’re in a relationship and frustrated that your connection is suffering because...

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When a Man Needs Space: What to Say When You Need Time Alone advice: relationship john gray

What to do when a man needs space?

I find this to be one of the biggest challenges in relationships!

If you’re in need of alone time and not sure how to communicate that to your partner, I have some good news — there are ways to tell her that you need space that will actually be...

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Do You Have Unreasonable Relationship Expectations? advice: dating advice: relationship john gray

In the beginning, there is excitement, ease, and flow. He asks questions. He plans dates. He makes sweet gestures of love and appreciation.

You see so much potential for the relationship to grow!
Then, something shifts. You start to question, did I pick the wrong guy?
What changed?

In this post, I...

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Could Giving Space in a Relationship Solve Your Problems? advice: relationship lauren gray

Giving space in a relationship: It feels dangerous. Threatening even.

When you start to feel distance between you - whether it’s cool indifference, physically pulling away, not answering your calls, or full-on irritation - all instincts drive you to bridge the gap immediately.

You have to...

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Does Your Anxious Avoidant Attachment Stand a Chance? advice: dating advice: relationship john gray

When you want more intimacy and your partner seems to avoid it, it can be devastating to your experience of love.

So what does it really take to overcome the “anxious avoidant attachment trap,” and build a healthy, secure relationship that fulfills you?

In this post, you’ll...

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MV Quick Tip: When You or Your Partner Are Upset, Do This advice: relationship quick tips

If you’re a woman who feels frustrated that your partner won’t talk about his feelings with you…


If you’re a man who feels like you’re constantly getting blamed or accused…

Today’s MarsVenus Quick Tip is for you.

In love, little things make a big...

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Is a Fear of Intimacy Behind Your Failed Relationships? advice: dating advice: relationship john gray

Do you find yourself hopping from one man to another without developing that real connection? Is casual sex the norm?

You're far from alone.

But if you feel like you're missing out on meaningful relationships and you want something more, stick around.

A fear of intimacy and revealing your inner...

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MV Quick Tip: What Makes a Man Attracted to a Woman advice: dating advice: relationship quick tips

If you want to spark or regenerate attraction with a man, today’s MarsVenus Quick Tip is for you!

In love, little things make a big difference. In the day-to-day of your relationship(s), it can feel overwhelming to address all the problems or create all your dreams at once. That's why we...

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Initiating Sex: Whose Job Is It Really? advice: relationship lauren gray

Initiating sex in a relationship: Who’s job is it?

In the movies, they make it look so natural, like both partners always want sex at the same time and it just sort of happens in a flurry of passion. But what if your sex life is not like that at all?

What if you’re in a dry spell and...

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How to Get Over Your Ex advice: relationship john gray

The ending of a relationship — no matter how it happens — can be devastating and create a long-lasting aversion to starting another one (or giving it a real chance).

And as a woman, you may think you’ll never be able to trust your instincts about men again.

The truth is,...

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MV Quick Tip: Instead of Arguing, Try This advice: relationship quick tips

If you’ve been having a hard time navigating upsets or arguments in your relationship, today’s MarsVenus Quick Tip is for you.

In love, little things make a big difference. In the day-to-day of your relationship, it can feel overwhelming to address all the problems or create all your...

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Men and Emotions: 3 Things Women Need to Know advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

You sense something is wrong, but he won’t tell you about it.

You encourage him to share his feelings, but all you get is radio silence. He’s such a Cave Man!

You’re starting to question everything you’ve ever done or said to him: Is it me? Have I done something wrong? Is...

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MV Quick Tip: How to Get the Appreciation You Deserve advice: relationship quick tips

If you’ve been feeling unappreciated in your relationship lately, today’s MarsVenus Quick Tip is for you.

In love, little things make a big difference. In the day-to-day of your relationship, it can feel overwhelming to address all the problems or create all your dreams at once....

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