You want MORE from your relationship(s).
More affection, time, romance, support, communication, all of it!
And you’ve tried everything to get it, right? Giving more, complimenting him, boosting him up, sexy outfits, remembering his favorite things, flirty texts, showing him what a great catch you are, prioritizing him, listening to him, asking him questions, modeling the kind of love you want to receive and MORE!
I’m exhausted just thinking about the way I used to approach relationships!
Well, what if I told you that you could have ALL the love you want, and it starts with you doing less?
It starts with you shifting where you put your energy and effort so that you get more out than you put in, rather than the other way around. That’s the secret.
Shift your lens from him and his needs to YOU and YOUR needs.
This sounds counterintuitive, I get it. But here’s a peak into why it works:
A man is most motivated by success.
When a man sees a genuinely happy woman, he thinks “Hey! I could be the guy to make her happier!” and he’s motivated to try.
But when you’ve been working so hard at your relationship(s) and you still don’t get the love you want then you’re not going to be genuinely happy; you’re going to feel disappointed, insecure, unsatisfied or unfulfilled.
When this happens, he loses his motivation to try. And that is why…..
The relationship you’re dreaming of?
Starts with you feeling your best.
Hi, I’m Lauren Gray, relationship teacher, author, and coach, and I know exactly what you’re going through.
After years of learning from my dad John Gray (the #1 bestselling author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), studying the best university research on hormones and gender differences, working with women all over the world, and navigating my own 10 year long relationship, I developed a unique (and sustainable) system for women to boost their feel-good hormones, and get everything they want and need in their relationship(s).
You-We-Me Time™ is a tried-and-true system that’s based on biological science and classic MarsVenus principles. It will help you become the master of your own well-being: managing your to-do list (You-Time), your self-care (Me-Time), and your relationship (We-Time) so YOU finally come out on top. (Doesn’t that sound nice?!)

Whether you tend to be what I call a “Venus in Blue,” and YOU...
- Are used to marching to the tune of your own drummer.
- Prefer to do things on your own and hate asking for help. #missindependent
- Own that you’re a Type A personality, but maybe scare some men away while you’re at it...
Or you’re what I call a “Venus in Pink” and YOU...
- Hate spending time without your guy. #togetherforever
- Don’t really enjoy indulging in alone time.
- Find yourself rattled when your guy wants time without you...
We’ve got you covered with You-We-Me Time™ because it’s designed to help you feel good in a relationship no matter which way you sway! And I’ll be there walking you through the system, each step of the way, with 6 weeks of email guidance, motivation, and encouragement!

is time when you are meeting other people’s needs (at work or at home).

is time when you are experiencing intimacy and reciprocity with your partner.

is time when you are meeting your own needs and no one else’s.
This system was designed to ensure that you create the right balance, get what you need from each, and feel good– both emotionally and hormonally.
If you’re wondering how you can start implementing this system STAT, you’re in luck. I’m here to teach you everything you need to know to feel good and thrive in your relationship(s) - while getting all of the “ME” time you want (and need - because trust me, you NEED it!).
And your man?
He won’t know what hit him…and he’s totally gonna LOVE IT!
You know what happens when you use the You-We-Me Time™ System?
Here's what really happens...

➔ Your hormones strike the right balance for you to feel good in the most necessary ways! Think *estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin,* yummy female hormones that lower your stress levels, stop looping thoughts, and inspire greater polarity and passion in your relationships!
➔ You’re able to explain what you need in a way that makes sense to your man and doesn’t get misunderstood as “needy” or “demanding,” or like you’re blaming him. You’ve cracked the code to get him to really hear you!
➔ You feel fulfilled and are able to give more of YOU to your relationship(s), but in the right balance so you’re never depleting yourself by doing so. You know where to put your energy and you’re confident you’ll get what you want!
➔ You do what you like and your man picks up the slack where you leave it; putting in the effort where you aren’t. Believe it or not, men will respond to you in a brand new way and you don’t have to work so hard at making your relationship(s) “work.”
➔ You get the support you truly need to open your heart and receive the love you were always meant to have. This means plenty of affection, quality time, romantic dates, open communication, and YES, even help around the house!
Simply put: you can relax and enjoy your relationship.
Say Hello to How To Get More Me-Time
a 6-week-long online course that will make you the happiest girlfriend/wife/partner possible using the magic (read: science) of the You-We-Me Time™ System.

This course will teach you a proven system to enhance your HAPPY so your man can step into his role and make you even HAPPIER. True (love) story.
What You’ll Learn over 6 weeks!

Module 1
Find out why this undervalued and often misunderstood “self-care” tool is critical to your health and the health of your relationship! You’ll learn why men pull away and how your ME-TIME can bring back those loving feelings.
Module 2
Putting yourself first is hard. I’ll teach you the skills to tap into your internal “alarm system” so you can always identify when ME-TIME is the most important choice for you, your work, and your relationships.

Module 3
In this module, we’ll bust through the unrealistic expectations, limiting beliefs, and sneaky assumptions that interfere with you being your most loving, feel-good self. There is a way to say “no” to others without feeling guilty and you’re going to learn it this week!
Module 4
How to Optimize your HORMONES for happiness! (AKA: The You-We-Me Time™ System)
You’ll learn how to hack into you and your partner’s uniquely different hormonal systems in order to connect in a brand new way. Not only that, this self-knowledge helps you know exactly what you need in any given moment to feel happy and fulfilled. Side-effects may include feeling like Superwoman.

Module 5
Learn how you’re unknowingly pushing your support system away and your man in the process. This is the week you drop bad relationship habits (we ALL have ‘em!) and discover a new approach that will keep you both happy and attracted for the long haul. A total win-win!
Module 6
This week we’ll cover the exact strategies to get your man to give you 5 star treatment in the core WE-TIME realms: Romance, Communication and Help around the house. Unlike most strategies out there, these are completely practical and sustainable because they work with your gender differences to create a momentum of success that grows long after you complete the course.

Get Instant Access to the complete How to Get More Me-Time program!
Here’s what SELF-HELP INDUSTRY LEADERS have to say about my tried-and-true course!

“With How to Get More Me-Time, Lauren helps a new generation of modern women to find increasing fulfillment at work and at home. Not an easy thing these days. However, I am certain that if you apply these new recipes for personal success, that you too will create a lifetime of love and happiness. Prepare to enjoy the relationships in your life like you never have before.”
- Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles TM and co-creator of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul ® series.
"Lauren delivers brilliant, fresh knowledge in an engaging way. How To Get More Me-Time is a Masterclass for making your relationships work, feeling happy, and finding peace of mind."
- Marci Schimoff, best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Happy For No Reason.

"Whether you’re new to MarsVenus or a long-time fan, you will learn brand new insights and tools. Lauren’s message speaks directly to women of all ages. She is profoundly wise and at the same time completely practical. With every module you will discover a new skill that you can immediately apply to improve your life and relationships. With Lauren’s help you can begin to live the life you deserve."
- John Gray, #1 NY Times best-selling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Beyond Mars and Venus.
Here’s what you’ll get when you join!

Immediate access to the entire You-We-Me-Time ™ System
($1000 value)

20+ step-by-step, entertaining, upbeat videos
($1200 value)

20+ Worksheets for practical implementation and skill building
($800 value)

Epic Answer Vault reveals all the group coaching Q&A from past live sessions
($600 value)

6 POP quizzes for memory retention and review
($200 value)

6 months access so you can refresh, review, or just go at your own perfect pace
PLUS, if you sign up now, you’ll also receive these bonuses!
($500 Value)

These suggestions will help you come up with easy, fun, nurturing activities that are designed to totally replenish you hormonally.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship you’ll get amazing ideas for activities you can do to fulfill the We-Time hormones and feel even more loved, supported and relaxed in your life.

- Why Me-Time is Critical For Your Calendar! It’s science, girlfriend!
- How to Make Your Cycle Your Greatest Ally. Because actually, it is!
- The Sexy Way to Ask for Me-Time. There is a way!
- A Single Lady’s Guide to Attracting The Right Partner! It starts with you.
- A Single Lady’s Guide to Support Systems. You don’t need a man for that!
The total value of this course is well over $4000.
Your cost is just $297. That’s it.
Less than a months’ worth of therapy and guaranteed to save you years of headaches, arguments, and relationship frustrations for life...
How to join now!
✓ Click that pretty “join now” button and you’ll be guided to checkout using any major credit card or PayPal to complete your secure payment.
✓ After you finish your purchase, you’ll receive two emails: one with a receipt for your records and one with your unique login credentials as well as a link to get started!
✓ You’ll get instant access to the complete program and receive guided emails over the next 6 weeks.
✓ You’ll work through the You-We-Me-Time™ system, feel SO good, and watch your relationship improve and deepen over the following 6 weeks and beyond!

Ready to feel good and pump up the romance in your life?
Get Instant Access to the complete How to Get More Me-Time program!
Ready to love your me-time, your relationship, and your life?
You have questions? I have answers!
How am I going to learn? Do you have to attend the classes LIVE or are they recordings?
I don’t have a ton of free time right now, is this a good time to sign up for the course?
Does my partner have to take the course too in order for it to work for us?
This program may work for other women, but what if it doesn’t work for me?
Is this going to be worth my time?
This sounds great! What happens after I purchase?
I’m single and don’t currently have a man in my life. Will I be able to benefit from this course?
My partner and I already have plenty of "me" time. I’m frustrated and hurt at the lack of “us” time and I keep pushing him away further. Will this program "fix" what’s wrong with us?
Can I share my login with my family and friends? They would really benefit from this!
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to email [email protected] and our friendly MarsVenus team will get back to you ASAP.
With love,

P.S. I know what it’s like to do relationships the “wrong” way - ending up overworked, under-satisfied, and generally unfulfilled. I’ve seen this firsthand (in my early days of dating) and time and time again with my clients, readers and students. That’s the reason I’ve put this course together. I believe SO much in the quality and value of How to Get More Me-Time - and I’m SO confident that it will help you become happier in your life and relationship that I will guarantee it. If you buy this course, go through the first few videos, do the homework, and still don’t learn anything new, or see and feel a difference - I will give you a full refund. That’s a 100% Money-Back Guarantee within 14 Days of Purchase.
So what do you have to lose?
Let’s get started so you can hurry up and experience the love of your life!
Get Instant Access to the complete How to Get More Me-Time program!