When Is He Going to Propose?

advice: dating john gray

Many women in long-term relationships wonder if their boyfriends are going to propose.

This video blog explains how to give a guy the message that he makes you happy, and you would love for him to pop the question — without actually telling him.


Dear John,

My relationship with my boyfriend of six years is like a fairytale! I am 22 and he is 26. I know I am young, but we talk about marriage and kids in the future. He’s currently in law school and real estate while I’m going to school and have a great full-time job. All his friends are getting married or engaged (most of them are his age).

Is there a reason why he hasn’t proposed to me after six years?

Even though we are comfortable with each other, I haven’t touched that subject because I don’t want to scare him away.

Any advice on why he's holding back? And why men wait, or at least certain men...


– Bunnie


Congratulations on your happiness. Enjoy it. It sounds like you have a great guy.

It also sounds like he wants to reach a place in life where he feels he can provide for you.

Law school is not easy and requires a great deal of time and energy. I am sure his work in real estate takes up even more of his time and energy. Add in your age, and he probably feels that he has more time before he should propose to you. He might just want to get through law school before adding a ring to the mix.

Ultimately, it comes down to him believing he is capable of making you happy.

Many men are so concerned about making a woman happy that they will often not want to be in a relationship if they think they cannot provide for her. So, before he proposes, he needs to feel confident that he can provide for you and make you happy.

However, there are some things you can do to let him know he makes you happy and that you are ready to get engaged — without actually telling him.

Watch my video to learn how you can give your partner the signs he needs to make a move towards marriage.


Grow in love,


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